Thursday, 21 June 2012

Walk Against Crime (Getto Green nisisi Chapter)


 The walk against crime is idea that was developed by four community based group in Huruma and Kiamaiko village in Nairobi that are involved in various community social economic activity to reduce crime and create environment of peaceful coexistence and help youth to create self-employment through nurturing individual talents through arts, community theatre, traditional and contemporary dance, and beadwork making through recycled materials.

·         Kenya Social Education Economic Empowerment Program (KSEEEP) and ZAKALE CREATIONS.  Are community based organization that deals with various community activities for income generating and rehabilitation of youth through Zakale creations social enterprises .KSEEEP has various social program  that employ  youth  in arts against crime   that uses   handcraft making , necklace and earring , through recycled  materials that are sold locally and abroad through Zakale Creations  handcraft  workshop that is based in Huruma.The main objective of this program is to engage the youth in sports and social economic  activities as source of their livelihood  and reduce  the time  used in taking drugs and engaging in other anti-social activities in  Mathare, Kimaiko and Huruma village.
·         Bridge Nisisi and Getto Green Nisisi Youth chapters, This are community based youth chapters   in Huruma and  Kiamaiko  village  with  150  registered  youth members formed  under the  USaid  Yes youth can Program in Kenya that is being implemented  by Inuka Kenya Trust in Nairobi the objective of the  program is to help  build  the capacity of youth to  be able to have  economic and civic engagement activity  that can bring social transformation and create source of livelihood to the youth in the area and create a culture of  peaceful coexistence in diverse ethnic community  living in Mathare.

  Since early 1990’s, the youth in Huruma, Kiamaiko and   Mathare estates were engaged in taking drugs, carrying out criminal activities as well as prostitution . This exposed them to situations high level of poverty, violence, extra-judicial killing and being in prison for number of years, not to mention HIV/AIDS scourge. That left many of the youth vulnerable to be exploited by political class and the ruling elite during post-election violence of 2007/ 2008. It is this reason that the said community based youth groups have come together to organize a campaign against crime and violence in Huruma and Kiamaiko during this election time in 2012 and future.

The Walk against crime campaign also aims to create awareness on the potential and talents of  the transformed youth in Huruma  Kiamaiko and Mathare, through income generating activities, Microfinance, Theatre and Sports, this to inspire  the youth and  help to recruit  youth in Mathare Kiamaiko and Huruma in joining    Nisisi  youth chapters will also be carrying out a recruitment drive to encourage other reformed youth to join the  community based groups in the area  in transforming their lives through Yes Youth can program. Hence making Mathare and Kiamaiko a better and safe place to live, work, invest and play for the youth.

To inspire and promote youth social economic empowerment through behavior change among the youth in the society, this will be achieved through the showcasing of income generating projects by Nisisi Youth chapters  that are   involved in arts against crime of  beadworks and handcrafts making   with recycled materials,  Garbage collections and has employed dozens of reformed youth who earn their daily bread from this workshop based in Huruma, the Nisisi youth chapters   are involved in other activities like Sports, theatre, dance,  and Acrobats

The Walk against crime will aim to motivate the youth to develop their skills and get involved with income generating, forming cooperative savings groups, sports, and community theatre for social justice in Mathare Huruma Kiamaiko.
 The Walk will be held in one day starting with walk in the morning and ending with a community Forum in Huruma sports ground with invited speakers from the government official and community leaders who will seek to highlight the achievements of the youth chapters in Huruma and the opportunity available to them and how equip the said youth with tools and skill that can help to overcome social economic challenges in the area.

T he walk against crime campaign will commence 7 July 2012 from the Police headquarters, passing through Starehe Police division at Pangani Police station, to Mathare Chief Camp, and stop over at Huruma police station. This is to create awareness and civic education on the new constitution and Public participation in monitoring reforms in the Kenya Police services and judiciary for efficient and accountable criminal justice institutions, the walk is expected to attract 1000 youth and other members of the community and social movements in Starehe constituency

Here is the invitation letter for you dear friend..

We members of Walk Against Crime Network are Kindly inviting you to Walk Against Crime procession that will take place on the 7th of July 2012 Starting from Vigilance House to Huruma, Starehe constituency from 8 am, The Hon. Dr. Willy Mutunga the Chief Justice & the President of the Supreme Court of Kenya will be the Chief Guest in the precession.
The walk against crime will bring together more than three thousand youths who are members of Ni Sisi!  Youth village chapters from various constituencies around Nairobi and Community Based Organization groups from Mathare, Kiamaiko and Huruma

The Nairobi County Ni Sisi!  chapters through the advocacy and human rights committee will organize build up activities within the eight constituencies to sensitize the village chapter members on the need to collective address crime related challenges and the importance of public participation in police reforms.

Therefore we are humbly requesting your support to help us meet the objectives of the said walk, the organizing committee will appreciate highly if your office give as audience to brief on the details about planned walk
Attached are the concept and the proposed program

We are looking forward for your humble acceptance to our request and participation the walk.

Yours sincere.
Organizing Committee coordinator

Gacheke Gachihi
+254 720 318 049

And here is the programme for the day .....

Walk Against Crime Procession and Route Map
       8 to 8 30 am            Arrival and Registration of all participants
       8:30 to 9:00 am     Speech from representative:
ü  Independent Police Oversight Authority,
ü  Police Commissioner
ü  Peoples Memorandum on Police reforms, security and peace.
      9:30 am                      Flagging off of the walk against crime procession by
                                              Chief Justice and Invited guest
11:00. am                   Procession arrival at Pangani Police Post
                                         Community representative give Memorandum to
                                         OCS on Police reform, Security, and peace in Mathare
                                         Starehe Peace Committee
                                         Mabatini community based organization.

12.00 Noon                 The procession makes stop at Moi Air base
                                          (Mathare N0 10)  Where 10 soldiers have been killed by 
                                          Crime related violence.
                                         Speech from Representatives of Kenya Air Force and Umoja
                                          Nisisi Youth chapter on community policing in Mathare
 12.30 pm                     Procession move to Huruma Sports grounds 
1.00 pm                         Arrival to Huruma sports grounds
                                         Exhibition by community base groups and Nisisi youth chapters
                                         On income generating projects, Arts Against crime,
                                          Talents Shows, Acrobats
2:00pm                        Speeches from community representatives
                                         Area OCS,
                                        Organizing Committee,
                                              Chief Justice Key note address on Judicial and police          reforms and
                                                     Community forum
 3:30pm                                     Closing Remarks

Ni Sisi! Chapters

Ni Sisi! is a nation-wide social movement uniting Kenyans to forge a collective identity to drive transformation in leadership and maisha.
Ni Sisi! Chapters are platforms for ALL youth in a defined geographical area to discuss their issues collectively and seek solutions to the challenges they face.  With support from USAID Kenya - Yes Youth Can! Program - Ni Sisi! Youth Chapters provide youth an opportunity to be the drivers of their own development and empowerment.
Who qualifies to be a member of a Ni Sisi! Youth Chapter?
Ni Sisi! Chapter membership can be in three ways:
    a)       Active membership -Youth between the ages of 18-35 years, residing in particular focus area.
    b)       Alumni membership –Ni Sisi! Chapters’ alumni and persons who are over 35 years old who desire to keep supporting the activities of Ni Sisi! Chapters. They have no voting rights.
    c)       Corporate/Honorary membership –Companies, individuals and other organizations willing to identify and work with particular Ni Sisi! Chapters. They do not have voting rights.
Why Ni Sisi! Chapters?
Inuka Kenya Trust’s Peace through Prosperity (PTP) Program aims to work with Nairobi youth to create a culture of peace and prosperity. The basic platform for engagement with youth is through the Ni Sisi! Youth Chapters. As a platform, the Ni Sisi! values will be imbued among Chapter members and at the same time ensure a ‘youth-owned, youth-led and youth managed’ approach.

In contrast to working with individual youth, Ni Sisi! seeks to work with a wider platform and representation of youth in a particular location (neighborhood/village  level). The Ni Sisi! Chapters will bring together youth from different backgrounds; diverse ethnicity, across socio-economic divides, non-disabled and youth with disabilities, gender, religious affiliations, together into an umbrella network.

Advantages of being a member of a Ni Sisi! Chapter

§  Increased voice: Numerical strength, hence ability to air issues facing you in a stronger voice that calls for action towards solutions. Some problems and challenges are complex for one person or an individual youth group to solve, but which can easily be solved when these youth groups and individuals come together under a Ni Sisi! Chapter.
§  Engagement and Participation: Ni Sisi! Chapters provide you with platforms for engagement with local administrative, religious, and political leaders as well as local organizations among key players. Through these relationships, youth will be able to meaningfully participate in local processes, decision-making structures and ensure increased access to local resources (incl. Leadership opportunities)
§  Social Development:  Ni Sisi! Chapters provide you a chance to demonstrate capabilities through social/community development initiatives initiated, implemented, managed, and maintained by your peers. Furthermore, Ni Sisi! Chapters will create opportunities for exposure, leadership development, life-skills development, networking opportunities and broaden one’s horizons.
§  Improved Livelihoods: Through Ni Sisi! Chapters, linkages will be made for increased opportunities for access to finances under the YYC! Tahidi Fund.

Steps in setting up a Ni Sisi! Chapter!

Ni Sisi! Chapters are based on geographical location and aim to bring youth from a demarcated neighborhood together. The size of the Chapter is dependent on youth population in an area but should aim to include all youth (18-35). The following are easy steps to follow to establish a Chapter;

    1.       Mobilize youth and host an initial meeting to explain and discuss the Ni Sisi! Chapter concept and how to establish one with youth from an agreed geographical location (a village)
    2.       At this meeting, elect representative interim officials for the Ni Sisi! Chapter – they will assist in the initial set-up and running of the Chapter.
    3.       Develop and/or adopt a Ni Sisi! Chapter Constitution, by-laws and elected interim officials by seeking members’ approval (simple count of hands could be adequate)
    4.       Register the Ni Sisi! Chapter (A Constitution and registration gives the Ni Sisi! Chapters’ legal standing, guaranteeing Ni Sisi! and its partners that they are working with a stable structure they can trust with their resources).
    5 .       Once a Chapter is registered, members can hold an election in line with their Constitution, to elect officials to run the Chapter.
    6.      Open a bank account
    7.    Conduct outreach events to increase the membership and representation within the Ni Sisi! Chapter

Once the Chapter has been established, members should develop an action plan based on activities decided by Chapter members, in line with the needs of their area that they have identified.

Inuka Kenya Trust programme staff and community mobilisers will provide technical assistance in the formation and functioning of the Ni Sisi! Chapters.

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